CityStream Universities


Join Nexar's Open Academy, Today

Unleash real-time road data, like never before.

false CityStream Universities

Introducing Nexar Open Academy, designed to empower academics in their pursuit of safer streets with groundbreaking research.

Get access to fresh, street-level data, crowdsourced from our network of hundreds of thousands of vehicle cameras and more than 500 million images each month. This dynamic data set provides an unparalleled view of street activity across the US.

Nexar is offering the first 5,000 images- for free.
 Apply to this program your research uses visuals for:

  • Urban development
  • Transportation planning
  • Image recognition
  • Traffic patterns
  • Social studies analyzing urban patterns
  • Vision-based AI and / or street-level imagery to reach vision zero

Program benefits include:

  • Expand the dataset to production
  • Aggregate additional data with a different model
  • Data is GDPR and publication compliant, and ToU defined.

Apply now by leaving your details and our team will reach out shortly.