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A Car With A View: What Drivers Want From Dash Cams and Why it Matters

Dash cams are evolving from a humble device used for insurance purposes to a new set of eyes on the road with the potential for new edge AI crowd-sourced vision applications that will create a new breed of services.

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Up to now, cameras were used for limited use cases such as reversing and ADAS, and were not part of the connected car revolution.  Car data was left to languish in the car or was altogether lost.

Car cams will enable a “car selfie” and will, as the ultimate sensor, unleash crowd-sourced-vision based applications for connected cars. The sheer power and size of such raw imagery input, ingestion and compute, require management from a platform, bandwidth and AI compute angles.

A car with a camera isn’t a car with another sensor. It is a new experience full of interesting applications for drivers. You can monitor your parked car, find it or search for crowd-sourced free parking spots. Cloud-based dash cams use AI to tell when and what to record and unleash new compelling applications, from navigation through detecting road blockages, and sharing of videos, experiences and alerts across a network of drivers. Learn more about

- Current dash cam applications

- Future crowd-sourced apps

- Leveraging vision data to create a "library of the road"

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